At Long Last

You know that feeling when you look at your website or, in my case, websites plural and you just feel like a mess? Maybe you don’t but I sure do. Too many images, a lot of them are years old and you still love them but you know it’s time for some housekeeping, it just seems like a huge job and you have to have a cup of tea, watch a movie, go for a walk or any number of alternatives before you can even begin to get going?
Well, I have been kept awake, tossing and turning, imagining the mess my hard drives are in and on and on and on.
But along came lockdown, and with it, hours upon hours upon days and now weeks of uninterrupted, distraction-free, no excuses kind of time that secretly I hoped I might have….at some point….in the future.
I looked at the several hundred terabytes sitting on my office shelf and took a deep breath and I began the process……yikes.
Now, a few weeks in and my hard drives are almost so organized you could eat off them. You know what I mean.
Portraits are alphabetized, events are no longer in triplicate spread over god knows how many backups. My spaghetti junction looks more like a straight and traffic-free road, not unlike the 101 these days.
I’m getting there, a few portfolios still to clean up, some harsh editing still left to do but for the most part the website is beginning to take shape and I can sleep again.
Let me know what you think, which images should stay, which ones should go…I welcome the feedback.
Stay happy and healthy everyone.